Find and land on a planet rotating on a horizontal axis.
2023 年 12 月 15 日 上午 1:00 解锁
Small factory
Reach a total power generation of 20MW.
2023 年 12 月 16 日 上午 4:02 解锁
Infinite Factory I
Exceed a total energy consumption of 1GJ.
2023 年 12 月 15 日 上午 1:45 解锁
Nice Surprise 1
Obtain at least 100 Titanium Ore by collecting Stone.
17 / 100
Nice Surprise 2
Obtain at least 100 Silicon Ore by collecting Stone.
0 / 100
Nice Surprise 3
Obtain at least 100 Organic Crystals by collecting plants.
0 / 100
Nice Surprise 4
Obtain at least 100 Sulfuric Acid by collecting plants.
0 / 100
Nice Surprise 5
Obtain at least 10 Carbon Nanotubes by collecting plants.
0 / 10
Make 20 Organic Crystals by hand using the original formula.
0 / 20
Blackbox designer
Copy and save a Blueprint.
I'm gonna need more drones!
Control 10 or more Construction Drones.
Sail away with me
Unlock upgrade to make the Solar Sail last 2 hours.
Who approved this?
Unlock technology to make the construction latitude of the Dyson Sphere node reach 45 degrees.
Unlock upgrade to make mecha reach 12m/s movement speed.
Employee of the month
Unlock upgrade to allow Pile Sorters to load and unload cargos simultaneously.
Discover 7 kinds of rare minerals, and collect at least 10 by hand.
0 / 7
Space invaders
Use the mineral burial function to bury at least 20 Veins.
Mineral field depleted
Deplete 1 Vein.
Minerals by the dozen
Cover at least 12 Veins with one Mining machine.
Slip 'n' slide
Fill 10 tanks of fluid in a game.
Now Boarding
Have at least 100 Logistics Drones for a planet in transit.
0 / 100
Interstellar convoy
Have at least 50 Interstellar Logistics Vessels in space.
0 / 50
Forgot about that
Build Wind Turbines on a planet with no atmosphere.
Build a building at least 7 stories tall.
Use more than 80K foundations on a Waterworld planet.
0 / 80,000
Don't sand so close to me
Collect at least 4M units of sand in a game.
0 / 4,000,000
I saw this in a movie once
Cover a planet with a Foundation.
Tickets please!
Establish an Interstellar Logistics Transportation line.
Intergalactic logistics
Establish 5 Interstellar Logistics Transportation lines between different planetary systems.
Low battery
Have Icarus’ energy below 5% for more than 3 minutes when on the ground.
Space junk
Exhaust both fuel and energy while flying in space.
Running on fumes
Manually collect 20 Hydrogen with Icarus on a Gas Giant while energy is at 5% or less.
No diving!
Have a mecha run out of energy and fall into water.
Power surge
Use 12 Wireless Power Towers to charge a mecha at the same time.
Burn baby burn
Have Icarus burn at least 16 different fuels in a game.
6 / 16
I can see my house from here!
Get Icarus 40m above sea level without entering flight mode.
4 / 40
Sonic boom!
Exceed a sailing speed of 340m/s in the atmosphere.
0 / 340
Faster than light
Reach a sailing speed of 3000m/s in non-warp transportation.
0 / 3,000
My planet, my rules!
Name a planet.
One giant leap for mankind!
Leave the original planet and land on another within an hour.
Where no coal has gone before
Use coal as the only fuel to move from one planet to another.
Only impossible until it's not
Start warp engine.
Before our time
Land on another planet outside the initial planetary system before unlocking Warp drive.
Planet Explorer I
Land on 5 different planets!
1 / 5
Planet Explorer II
Land on 15 different planets!
1 / 15
What time is it?
Find and land on a planet with day and night tidal locking.
The sun rises in the...West?
Find and land on a planet rotating on a reverse axis.
Are you proud of me, Stephen?
Find and orbit a Black Hole.
Boy genius
Find and orbit a Neutron Star.
Bon voyage!
Travel to the planetary system farthest from your original system.
Well traveled
Travel to at least 32 planetary systems in a game.
1 / 32
Let there be light!
Light an Artificial Star on the North and South Pole of the original planet, an Ice Field Gelisol Planet, and the eternal night side of a tide-locked planet.
Lean mean cleaning machine
Use Icarus' garbage clearing function to absorb 50,000 units of Iron Ingot at the same time.
Environmental nightmare
Drop 3000 units of Titanium Ingot at once while flying through space.
Build it and they will come
Build 10 Orbital Collectors.
Maximum efficiency
Build and maintain 100 Ray Receivers with a receiving efficiency of over 85%.
Data rules everything around me
Achieve a Matrix Lab upload rate of 1M hash/s.
Firing on all cylinders
Unlock upgrade to decrease the mineral mining consumption rate to less than 15%.
Don't dismantle the landing capsule before completing the game.
Icarus, PhD
Unlock all technologies (upgrade Unlimited Technology at least once).
Mission accomplished
Complete the game.
x0.5 Resource completion
Complete the game on x0.5 resource difficulty.
Didn't break a sweat!
Complete the game within 25 hours on x1 (or less) resource difficulty.
Mission impossible!
Complete the game within 10 hours on x1 (or less) resource difficulty.
Solar Sail? No thank you!
Complete the game without launching a Solar Sail.
Complete the game without using Foundations.
Alien Mineral Protection Act
Complete the game without gathering rare veins to obtain rare ores.
Launch a total of 100K Solar Sails.
0 / 100,000
We have lift-off
Launch a total of 30,000 Small Carrier Rockets.
0 / 30,000
Critical thinker
Produce a total of 60,000 Critical Photons.
0 / 60,000
Secrets of the universe I
Upload a total of 1M Universe matrices.
0 / 1,000,000
Secrets of the universe II
Upload a total of 10M Universe matrices.
0 / 10,000,000
Got Deuterium?
Use Fractionators to produce at least 100K Deuterium per hour on a single planet.
0 / 100,000
Green power
Produce at least 43,200 Electromagnetic turbines per hour.
0 / 43,200
Electromagnetic matrix
Produce at least 43,200 Electromagnetic matrices per hour.
2,788 / 43,200
Energy matrix
Produce at least 43,200 Energy matrices per hour.
801 / 43,200
Structure matrix
Produce at least 43,200 Structure matrices per hour.
0 / 43,200
Information matrix
Produce at least 43,200 Information matrices per hour.
0 / 43,200
Gravity matrix
Produce at least 43,200 Gravity matrices per hour.
0 / 43,200
Universe matrix, Yellow Belt
Produce at least 21,600 Universe matrices per hour.
0 / 21,600
Universe matrix, Green Belt
Produce at least 43,200 Universe matrices per hour.
0 / 43,200
Universe matrix, Blue Belt
Produce at least 108,000 Universe matrices per hour.
0 / 108,000
No coal? No problem!
Generate more than 60MW of electricity on a planet using Wind Turbines.
Generate more than 180MW of electricity on a planet using Solar Panels.
All systems are go!
Achieve discharge power of more than 300MW on a planet using Energy Hubs.
Going nuclear
Generate more than 600MW of power on a planet using Mini Fusion Power Plants.
Like a diamond in the sky
Light a star that belongs to you in the Milky Way View.
CentreBrain needs more energy I
Total power generation of the Dyson Sphere reaches 200MW.
CentreBrain needs more energy II
Total power generation of the Dyson Sphere reaches 1GW.
CentreBrain needs more energy III
Total power generation of the Dyson Sphere reaches 1TW.
We can make it if we try
Build a Dyson Sphere around a Red Giant star with a power generation performance of more than 10GW.
Backup plan
Build a Star Cluster with an energy storage capacity of 27GJ or more.
Medium factory
Reach a total power generation of 100MW.
Large factory
Reach a total power generation of 1GW.
Giant factory
Reach a total power generation of 5GW.
Universe factory
Reach a total power generation of 50GW.
Infinite Factory II
Exceed a total energy consumption of 1TJ.
Infinite Factory III
Exceed a total energy consumption of 1PJ.
Dust to dust I
Collect 1M soil piles from Dark Fog.
15,500 / 1,000,000
Dust to dust II
Collect 10M soil piles from Dark Fog.
15,500 / 10,000,000
Dust to dust III
Collect 100M soil piles from Dark Fog.
15,500 / 100,000,000
Happy Hunting I
Neutralize 100 Dark Fog space units.
0 / 100
Happy Hunting II
Neutralize 1000 Dark Fog space units.
0 / 1,000
Happy Hunting III
Neutralize 10000 Dark Fog space units.
0 / 10,000
Bullet Storm
Bullet consumption reaches 360/min on any planet.
3 / 360
A Penny Saved
Complete the mission without any buildings destroyed at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
Strangle in the cradle
Wipe out a Dark Fog Planetary Base within 1 hour at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
Peace & Love
Complete the mission without any Dark Fog buildings neutralized at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
In the Spotlight
Have 40 Laser Towers shoot the same target at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
0 / 40
War has Changed
Complete the mission without building any Turrets at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
Won't Lie Low
Attract an attack from a space unit within 1 hour at Difficulty 1.0 or above.
Monster Kill
Icarus neutralizes over 1,000 Dark Fog units within 1 minute.
5 / 1,000
Implosion Cannon neutralizes 40 enemies or more with 1 shot.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Keep Icarus' energy shield's power consumption at 1GW while resisting damage for over 1 minute.
Base radius of Icarus' Energy Shield reaches 25m.
A.T Field
Planetary Shield's coverage reaches 100% over a planet.
Super Nova!
Activate Supernova.
Shoot Oneself in the Foot
Lure Lancers to destroy a Planetary Base.
You Started It
Have Icarus destroyed by Dark Fog at Passive Dark Fog aggressiveness.
Right Under My Nose
Land on a planet that is 8000m or closer to a Dark Fog Hive.
You Shall Not Pass!
Neutralize a Relay Station before it lands on a planet.
Global Offense
Be simultaneously assaulted by 12 Planetary Bases on a planet.
Wrong Place
Land on a planet occupied by over 20 Planetary Bases.